Police Programs — Norwalk, Ohio



Children’s IDs

Several times during the year, the Norwalk Police Department provides juvenile fingerprinting and photographing through the Safe Assured ID System. The Safe Assured ID System captures the juvenile’s photograph and fingerprints on a mini-CD which the guardian retains. Should a juvenile run-a-way or be kidnapped, the guardian can take the mini-CD to a local law enforcement agency to assist in the investigation.

This service is offered at various local events. Dates for the service will be posted on this website and the Norwalk Police Department's Facebook Page when they become available.

Electronic Fingerprinting

The Norwalk Police Department fingerprints INDIVIDUALS needing a BCI (State of Ohio) and/or FBI (Federal) fingerprinting background check. The fee for a BCI or FBI only check is $30. The fee for both is $60. INDIVIDUALS requesting a check must apply in person at the Norwalk Police Department, 37 N. Linwood Avenue. For complete details on the procedure, please click here.

Facility Tours

Tours of the police department and jail are available for schools and community groups, as well as interested individuals. Feel free to call the non-emergency number at 419-663-6780 to schedule a tour.


Image: Norwalk, Ohio Police Cruiser

Public Records Request

Requests for police records may be made at the Norwalk Police Department from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Requests for public records shall be evaluated on an individual basis. No specific language is required to make a request. However, the requestor must at least supply sufficient information with sufficient clarity to allow the City to 1) understand that a request has been made, and 2) identify, retrieve and review the requested records.

The City shall respond to each request for public records promptly and within a reasonable period of time.

• Only records of incidents occurring in Norwalk city limits are available.

• Records of on-going investigations can not be released.

• Records dating prior to computerization of the department in 1991 will not be searched unless
specifically requested.

While requests for public records do not have to be in writing and the requestor does not have to disclose his or her identity, address, or intended use of the documents, requests for public records can be made upon the following forms and dropped off at the police department or emailed to npdrecords@norwalkoh.com.

The cost for records is dependent upon the number of pages and type of media upon which the records are provided. Click here for a complete copy of the City of Norwalk Public Records Policy, which includes the fee schedule.

For questions or to make a request over the phone, please call the records department at the Norwalk Police Department at 419-663-6780 during normal business hours.

Under Speed Vehicle Inspection

The Norwalk Police Department will inspect under-speed vehicles prior to operation upon city streets. There is a $ 25.00 fee for an inspection. City of Norwalk Ordinance 379 pertaining to Under- Speed Vehicles is below along with the check list for the inspection.


Inspection Check List


The Norwalk Police Department will check on your residence if you are going to be out of town. If you would like to use this free service, please click the Vacation House Check Form button below.

Safety Town Program

Safety Town is a free program designed to teach children entering kindergarten a variety of lessons that will help them stay safe, from obeying traffic lights to crossing streets to bike safety.

Co-sponsored by the Norwalk Police Department and the Norwalk Rotary Club, Safety Town is held at the Main Street School each summer. D.A.R.E. graduates and older students assist the police department as instructors and helpers.

Safety Town participants watch movies and discuss traffic lights, stop signs, crossing intersections, bicycle safety, strangers, gun safety, railroads, police officers, school bus and general safety on drugs, matches, fire and poisons. The children are involved in active learning activities as well as traditional classroom work. All children are placed in small groups assigned to teenage role models who are trained to help provide a positive learning environment.

Each Safety Town session is four days. There is no charge for the program and all materials are provided. You can register your child through the online registration. Online registration will open in the spring of each year.

D.A.R.E Program 

The Norwalk Police Department teaches D.A.R.E. to all 5th grade students in the public and parochial school system in the City of Norwalk. The Norwalk Police Department has been providing this service to our community for over 20 years.

D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) is an internationally recognized, model program created in 1983 by the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles Unified School District. D.A.R.E. provides students from kindergarten through high school with the skills necessary to recognize and resist pressures to experiment with drugs and to avoid gangs and violence. Lessons emphasize self-esteem, decision making, interpersonal communications skills, the consequences of drug abuse, conflict resolution and positive alternatives to substance abuse.

The most important facet of D.A.R.E is the use of specially trained police officers to deliver the curriculum within the schools. Police Officers are accepted as authorities on drug abuse, as they deal with drug abuse and its consequences on a daily basis. Officers are trained by the Law Enforcement Foundation. The Law Enforcement Foundation has the sole permission to train D.A.R.E. Officers in Ohio.

Officer Cameron Lloyd is Norwalk's certified D.A.R.E. Officer. Officer Lloyd participates in various community activities involving drug abuse awareness. Please feel free to contact Officer Lloyd at the Norwalk Police Department, 419-663-6780, if you would like any further information on D.A.R.E. or to schedule a presentation.

Crime Prevention Program

Crime Prevention extends the shield of protection beyond the services the Norwalk Police Department provides every day. Upon request, Crime Prevention Officers can speak at your Community Civic Association, groups/organizations regarding crime problems. Crime Prevention Officers may also provide published general information about specific crimes or tailor or assist in tailoring programs to address community concerns of a specific or unusual crime pattern.


ATM Safety Tips

Auto Theft Prevention

Information For Victims Of Violent Crimes

Defenses Against Sexual Assault & Rape

Gun Safety For Children

Personal Safety

What To Do If Stopped By A Police Officer

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design


Citizen Complaint and Officer Commendation

 Procedure for filing a citizen complaint

It is the policy of the Norwalk Police Department to investigate complaints made by citizens.  This includes complaints made against officers; any citizen who has been subjected to or witnessed misconduct by an officer of the Norwalk Police Department may file a complaint against the officer.  The person wishing to file the complaint must complete the Officer Misconduct Complaint Form and the form must be notarized.  The Officer Misconduct Complaint Form will be made available to the public at the Norwalk Police Department and can also be accessed on the City of Norwalk web page.  

The person wishing to file the complaint can either call the non-emergency number (419-663-6780) or come directly to the Norwalk Police Department and request to speak with the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the shift or other supervisor, to initiate the complaint.   The person will be provided with a copy of the Citizen Complaint Form and asked to complete it.  The complaint will be forwarded to the Chief of Police and the Executive Officer.  The ultimate decision to institute an internal investigation lies with the Chief of Police. Normally, an internal investigation based upon a non-criminal citizen complaint shall be conducted based on the signed and notarized complaint form.

An investigation of the alleged misconduct will be conducted and completed within a reasonable time period from the Chief of Police and/or the Executive Officer’s knowledge of the matter, not exceeding four (4) months, except where extenuating circumstances may exist. 

The person who filed the complaint will be kept informed of the status of the investigation and at the conclusion of the investigation will be notified of the outcome of the complaint. 

The following are classifications of the outcomes of each allegation of employee misconduct:

Unfounded if the allegation is false.

 Exonerated if the alleged act occurred, but the action was lawful and proper.

 Not Sustained if there is insufficient evidence to either prove or disprove the allegation.

 Sustained if the allegation is supported by sufficient evidence and the action violates either criminal law or department policy.

Withdrawn if the complainant withdraws the complaint prior to the completion of the investigation and no further action is required.

Misconduct Not Based on Complaint if the investigation reveals sufficient evidence to indicate other infractions not based in the original report.

The Officer Misconduct Complaint Form contains the following warning: “Please be advised that it is a criminal offense to knowingly make false allegations of misconduct by a Police Officer. Such false allegations are punishable by up to six months in jail and up to $1,000 in fines.”

Procedure for nominating an officer for commendation

The person wishing to recognize an officer can contact the Norwalk Police Department by either calling the non-emergency number (419-663-6780) or coming directly to the Norwalk Police Department and requesting to speak with the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the shift or other supervisor, to make the nomination for commendation.  The person wishing to make the nomination for commendation must complete the Nomination of Officer for Commendation Form which includes a supporting narrative to describe the actions of the officer or reason for recognition.  This form must also be notarized and is available at the Norwalk Police Department and can also be accessed on the City of Norwalk web page.