
The Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) administers the City’s income tax collections.

For questions about income taxes contact RITA at 800-860-7482.

To file online, click here to visit RITA’s website.

If you’re looking for information about Huron County property taxes, they are administered through the Huron County Auditor’s Office 419-668-4304

Filing Information

• The income tax rate for the City of Norwalk is 1.5%.

• All residents 18 years (including partial-year residents) are required to file.

• Income tax credit of up to 1.5% is granted for tax paid to another municipality.

• Filing deadline is April 15th or the IRS deadline.

• Failure to file a complete return by the filing deadline will result in late fee assessments.

Withholding Information

Each employer within or doing business within the City who employs one or more persons on a compensation basis in the City, shall, at the time of payment, deduct the tax from the gross compensation earned or received, and shall deduct from the compensation earned or received within the City by non-residents.



MONTHLY: Employers must remit monthly if withholding in the previous calendar year exceeded $2,399 or if the amount required to be withheld during any month of the previous calendar quarter exceeded $200.

QUARTERLY: Employers can remit quarterly if their withholding is under the thresholds described for monthly filers.

WITHHOLDING DUE DATES: Monthly returns and payment must be received no later than the 15th of the month following the end of the reporting period. Quarterly returns and payment must be received no later than the last day of the month following the close of the calendar quarter effective the 3rd quarter of 2016.

RECONCILIATION DUE DATE:  The reconciliation due date is the last day of February.


INTEREST: 5% per annum (0.42% per month or fraction of a month).  Interest is based on the Federal rate and may change annually.

LATE FILING PENALTY: $25.00 per month or fraction of a month with a maximum of $150.

LATE PAYMENT PENALTY: 50% of the unpaid tax due.

Income Tax Forms 


Tax Forms

Click here

RITA Business Tax Forms

Click here

Non-Rita Prior Year Forms

Click here for 2012 Tax Year or Prior