Backflow Prevention — Norwalk, Ohio

Backflow Prevention

Backflow prevention is the process of ensuring that potentially hazardous materials do not contaminate the City's water system through water lines.

As a water purveyor, the City of Norwalk is required by the Environmental Protection Agency and Norwalk Codified Ordinances to maintain a backflow prevention program. The city's backflow prevention program is administered through the Water Treatment Plant.

Backflow prevention includes the review of building plans as well as inspection of local commercial properties to determine the degree of potential hazard to the city water system. If a backflow preventer is mandated, the City will inform the owner and provide guidance on the process.

Owners are responsible for the annual inspection of all backflow preventers. A list of certified plumbers/testers is available by contacting the coordinator.


The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) requires that all water systems in the State of Ohio have an effective Cross Connection Control Program. Given OEPA regulations and the dangers that exist from unprotected cross connections, it is necessary to establish and maintain an effective cross connection control program to protect both the integrity of the City of Norwalk’s water supply as well as to protect our water customers.

 One necessary component in this program is a survey of the water system to determine where cross connections exist. Below is a survey for your service location that we are requesting you complete and submit to the City of Norwalk.

 The City of Norwalk is proud of the water that we deliver to you every day. By working together and cooperating in this critical program, we can further protect our water from potential contamination. Should you have any questions, please contact the water department at (419) 663-6725. Thank you for your assistance.

 If you have more than one device, please fill out a separate form for each device.

Superintendent (David Ackerman)

Coordinator (Jenni Nickoli) 

201 Woodlawn Avenue, Norwalk, Ohio 44857
419-663-6725 ph     419-663-6726 fax
Hours: Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.