St. Patty's Day
St. Patty’s Day Bash
The Norwalk Firefighters Local 1199 Shamrock Society’s St. Patty’s Day Bash includes food from Red Shamrock, a cash bar and a silent auction. Bender will provide live music from 7 to 10 p.m.
The Norwalk Firefighters Local 1199 Shamrock Society’s St. Patty’s Day Bash includes food from Red Shamrock, a cash bar and a silent auction. Bender will provide live music from 7 to 10 p.m.
Open Friday through Sunday from 10AM to 6PM
The Norwalk High School Music Boosters will be hosting a mattress sale fundraiser on April 5 from 10 am until 5 pm on the stage in the Ernsthausen Performing Arts Center at NHS.
Planning Commission meeting is open to the public. Use rear entrance.
• Residents are allowed two cans or two bundles of yard waste per dwelling. • Cans must not be more than 33 gallons in size and cannot weigh more than 40 pounds each. • Yard waste placed in garbage bags or cardboard boxes will not be collected. • Cans must be clearly marked YARD WASTE. • Bundles must be tied, less than 4 feet in length, and weigh less than 40 pounds.
This Jaycee sponsored event will include live music and children’s activities.
Click to see the Jaycees Facebook page with details
Trash pick up is not delayed.
Brush Pickup will be picked up on your regular trash day. Please follow these rules :
· Place cut brush on curb on your regular trash pickup day.
· Do not place entire large trees or bushes on the curb for pickup.
· Brush is to be stacked neatly with no roots, stumps, or soil attached.
· Branches are to be no longer than 6 feet.
· If you have a narrow boulevard, you may place brush neatly on the back side of the sidewalk.
· No more than one pick-up truck load will be collected from a residence.
· Brush will only be collected once. No return trips will be made.
This is also the last week for curbside yard waste collection. The Compost Facility, located behind Baines Park, is open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. until November 30th. The facility is open to city residents only. Residents can drop off their yard waste, leaves, and brush at no charge. Must bring driver’s license for proof of city residency.
Trash collection is not delayed
The City of Norwalk reminds residents of the following rules for the pickup:
Leaves must be on curb by 7:00 a.m. November 17th
Leaves in bags will not be picked up.
Leaves must be placed on curb where trash is picked up.
Leaves must be within 6 feet of curb.
Leaves only – cannot be mixed with brush, sticks, yard waste, or trash.
Leaves behind parked cars cannot be picked up.
Crews will be picking up leaves as fast as possible. Leaves will be picked up only once.
Trash is delayed one day for residents whose pick up is later in the week
Trash pickup is delayed
Trash will not be delayed.
Trash collection will not be delayed.
Place undecorated tree on the curb on your regular trash day.
No tree bags, tinsel, ornaments, lights, etc.
The next meeting is a regular session on January 7, 2025.
The local Sally De Forest Chapter of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution will hold its annual Wreaths Across America ceremony at noon at Woodlawn Cemetery in Norwalk on Saturday, Dec. 14. Each year, at the same date and time, tens of thousands of Christmas wreaths are laid on the graves of veterans across the United States. Between now and Jan. 10, the Wreaths Across America organization will provide a match for each wreath ordered through the local chapter. That will give DAR members extra wreaths that can be placed on graves of veterans who might not have any surviving relatives still in this area. The cost of each wreath is $17. Checks can be mailed to Schauss at 56 South River St. Wakeman OH 44889. For more information, call Schauss at 419-681-1023 or Scheele at 419-660-0908. For more information about Wreaths Across America, visit
6pm-10pm This is a free event. Donations accepted.
Do some Christmas shopping locally before attending Light Up Norwalk
Facebook event page:
$2 admission at the door ~ Many local crafters/vendors & door prizes!
Great Plains Bison Burgers. LLC will be set up outside serving lunch!
Support small businesses & get a head start on holiday shopping!!
Trick-or-Treat at uptown businesses after the parade
Line up at 1:30 pm at the Main Street School. Parade starts at 2:00 pm
An exhibit of vintage & historical quilts. Vote for your favorite. Hand quilting demos. Visit the Fat Quarter Cafe. $5 admission
Performances by Haley Heyman, Chris Castle, Emily Keener, & a special preview of Seussical the musical by Norwalk Arts Center. American Mess Hall food truck & Sheri’s Coffee House pumpkin spice latte bar. Bring your own chairs and please put any garbage in the cans provided.
Deadline to enter Oct. 18th. To enter send name, address, & phone number to
Light up the Town ~ party in the street, music, dancing, food, and dedication.
Bronson Norwalk Conservation Club. ~ Check in for cars is 10am to noon and $10 per car. Classes: Best 4 wheel, Best 2 wheel, furthest distance, oldest car, newest car, Best in show. Food & Drinks, 50/50 Raffles **CASH ONLY** Open to the public. Questions - Call Nick Jones 419-577-4211
Labor Day weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday)
To sign up for the event please email your address and dates of sale to
The deadline to sign up is Wednesday, August 28th. LISTS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE UNTIL THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th AFTER NOON.
Dog swim day at the end of the summer season.
$10 per dog, no cost for people. Registration: 419-663-6775 ext. 0.
A vintage themed family friendly pro wrestling showcase. Fans will witness strongmen, masked high flyers, lady wrestlers and so much more! Vintage dress is encouraged. Huron County Fairgrounds, 940 Fair Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857. For more info:
Last day to swim in the outdoor pool this summer.
The event, which begins at 9 a.m. and is free and open to the public, will mark the official opening of these state-of-the-art facilities and kick off the city's pickleball league tournament in the park located at 35 S. Pleasant St.
The ceremony will include activities for pickleball enthusiasts and community members alike. The Norwalk Pickleball Club will host an open play event, inviting everyone to try out the new courts and enjoy a friendly game of pickleball. White Box Pastries will be on hand with a variety of treats for sale. A 50/50 raffle will offer participants a chance to win prizes, with proceeds supporting the Norwalk Pickleball Club.